
Morgan | Senior Portrait Photography San Diego

Like many families during the Covid-19 shut-down, Morgan’s had to rearrange some things this summer. They made lemonade out of lemons by trekking out to San Diego from their home in Las Vegas and enjoying several days in La Jolla, where I met up with Morgan for her senior portraits. Morgan is a gifted actress and has an exciting future ahead of her. Her outfit choices were PERFECTION for our perfectly-lit evening at Windansea. And also. Her HAIR!!!!

Senior Pictures at the Beach San DiegoSan Diego Senior Portraits
Beach Senior Photos
Beach Senior Photos
Professional Photographer in San Diego
Professional Photographer in San Diego
Professional Photographers in San Diego
Professional Photography San Diego
Morgan's Senior PhotosBeach Family Portraits San DiegoSenior Pictures in San Diego La Jolla
Photos on the Beach for Seniors
Photos on the Beach for Seniors
Senior Pictures in San Diego La Jolla
Senior Girl Photos La Jolla
Professional Photography San Diego
Photography San Diego on the Beach
Photography San Diego on the Beach
Photography San Diego on the Beach
Photography San Diego on the Beach

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