Around the time we started attending our church, I noticed someone I recognized from choir there running in our neighborhood. When I spied him with his family in line at a nearby Rubio’s restaurant, I introduced myself and got to know his wife Terri. Our first conversation (all while waiting for our California bowls) consisted of running through our various entrepreneurial pursuits and Terri referring me to a new CPA (who I love, by the way). Time passed before I organized a little get-together for work-from-home moms in our neighborhood and I got to spend a little more time with Terri, and even more time passed before the pandemic took over and we both realized we were walking regularly in the neighborhood for exercise. Since the summer, Terri and I have been walking together twice a week, comparing notes about family, dogs, business, and more. We are both passionate about Christian education, and, out of our conversations, Terri began a long-term project, comparing public and Christian education in California. When I needed a hand on a writing project this summer, she and I swapped specialties, and these family portraits were the result.
Friends are a blessing, and photographing friends is a blessing, too.