I really looked forward to photographing Camden and his parents and grandparents last month! It has been my honor to know his mommy Dara since she was only 13 years old, in my class in junior high. Since then, Dara was in my wedding photos (a candlelighter) and my daughter (her flower girl) was in hers, sporting a full cast on her arm from an unfortunate incident on the jungle gym at school. Dara and Josh moved to his hometown in Minnesota a few years ago, but when they came back for a baby shower a few years ago, I got to take Dara’s maternity photos in La Jolla. When she let me know they were bringing Camden out to San Diego to visit his grandparents and meet his San Diego fan-club, I was so excited to see him for the first time and photograph their sweet family. A lot of my favorite moments of our time together were about Dara’s dad. He’s really taking to this grandpa job, and I loved watching him play with Camden! Soo much joy!!